Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Overwhelming times

I have to admit that by the end of the day on Tuesday, I was more than just a little bit overwhelmed. For some reason I just couldn't seem to keep up with what was happening, being discussed and experimenting with RSS readers,, Twitter, etc.... Perhaps it had to do with the fact that my headspace was filled with report cards and there was no more room for anything else to fit in.

Now that I've had a day or so to sit back, ponder and do a little exploring, I'm finding things a little more interesting. I've started to set up a protopage and would like to do this with my Grade 5/6 class. I checked out my page at the school but something isn't quite right and I think it has to do with screen resolution. I'll have to ask Ryan or someone about it. I think this is something that would be very helpful when we start doing some more research, especially the bookmark widget. Plus, I think my students would find it fun as they could personalize it as their own "home" page. I also checked out Google Notebook with the hopes of using it in conjunction with their protopages when we start researching but had a lot of trouble with it. I couldn't add the little notebook tool to the links bar because a lack of admin privileges plus I couldn't figure out how to paste info I had copied from a website so that the citation showed as well which just frustrated me even more.

I started a list but did it later at night so Iwas getting a little confused as to what I was actually doing by the end of it. I need to go back again and try to figure it out a little bit more.

Tonight, after I finished putting my final marks in and had all the comments ready to go, I did a little work on a wiki page for my 5/6 Social class as we do some mini-research projects looking a little closer at some Canadian history. If you'd like to check it out, it's at

My brain hurts. Its definitely time to log off.